Medicplants-Saga plants grow wild in the yard of the house, the garden or on roadsides. There are two types of plants saga, the saga saga vines and trees, but most people call them with the name Saga alone.

Saga including weeds, and generally disturbing other plants that are deliberately planted. Because it is annoying, Saga plants often slashed even burned all.

Medicinal Plants Leaves Creep Saga
Even so, the sage leaves vines commonly used as a cough medicine and anti thrush. Sage leaves contain several active ingredients such as glycyrrhizin, Abrus lactone, abrusgenat acid and methyl derivative.

To treat ulcers with sage leaves vines, you can reap the taste and sage leaves in the sun in a little hot a few minutes until wilted leaves.

After wilting, wash the leaves and then chewed until smooth and use to rinse well.

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