Spinach Leaves
Medicplants-Spinach thorn is a species of the genus Amaranthus. Spinach thorn in contrast to spinach in general because the texture is a little rough and certainly spiked.

Spinach thorns grow wild in the yard of the house and gardens. Many people underestimate this plant, while spinach thorn has many benefits and efficacy benefits for health.
dr. Setiawan Dalimartha in Agriwidya Trubus magazine (1999) explains that the spinach with thorns can be used for the treatment of ulcers harsh, launch expenses ASI, treatment swollen gums bleed, warts, eczema, burns and bites of venomous snakes.
For the treatment of wounds and bleeding gums, prepare the spinach plants thorns taste, then burned with a base tile to be used as a powder. Once finished powder, apply on the affected part.

For the treatment of ulcers, prepare a thorn fresh spinach, wash thoroughly and finely ground. After that mix the honey to taste, stick to the skin boils then bandaged. Replaced twice a day.
To expedite the production of milk, prepare 1 stalk thorn spinach, wash thoroughly and finely ground. Use as a poultice around the breast.

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