Medicplants-The cause of itching in the body is very diverse, including

preventing allergies itching

✓Fungal infections
✓tinea (ringworm)
Parasitic infections
✓skabies (scabies)
✓ viral infection - chicken pox
✓infection of bacteria imoetigo
✓miliria (prickly heat)
✓ atopic dermatitis
✓ allergic contact dermatitis
and others

To find out what is the cause of your itchy complaints, it is not possible
without any direct examination by the doctor. Doctors need to know more
details of complaint history as well as checking directly to see location, form
lesions and their spread on the body. In addition, doctors also need to perform other medical investigations. The recommended treatment will be different depending
from what is found to be the cause of your itchy complaints.
May be useful!

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