Medicplants-Lemongrass leaves for health benefits, to the skin, and beauty is not a secret for the people of Indonesia. For residents of Indonesia, must have been familiar with lemongrass leaves. The leaves of lemongrass is one of the ingredients for a variety of Indonesian cuisine.
As we know, the seasoning of lemongrass produce sour like lemon aroma, thus adding flavor meal. Lemongrass in addition taken advantage of cooking, it has benefits for our body.

Scientific name
Cymbopogon citratus.
Originally from the southern part of India and Sri Lanka.
The leaves of lemon grass has become one of the popular ingredient in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Indonesia and several countries in Africa and America for culinary and medicinal purposes

Lemongrass leaves
Benefits leaves Lemongrass

Lemongrass leaves for health benefits is very much at all, do not be surprised if he even often created as an ingredient of herbal medicines for various diseases complaints.

1. Anti-Cancer

One study found that lemon grass contains citral, one of the anti-cancer agent that can kill cancer cells. But still maintain healthy cells or tissues in our body. However, this does not mean that drinking boiled water lemongrass / tea alone will permanently cure cancer, but it can help.

2. Diabetes

The results of lemongrass tea can help to cleanse / detox pancreas and improve the function, thereby lowering blood sugar levels in diabetics.

3. Anemia

Iron contained in the leaves of lemongrass essential untu ksintesis hemoglobin (a protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen around the body). Lemongrass can help for various types of anemia, mainly resulting from iron deficiency.

4. Clean Bacterial and Fungal Infections

Thanks to contain anti-septic properties, lemongrass tea drinking may help to eliminate the evil of micro-organisms in the body, detoxify and purify the blood, remove bacteria, fungi or yeast

6. As the wind Oil

Lemongrass leaves contain essential oils that can help in making balsamic action which can be used in problems in the respiratory tract. In general, lemongrass leaves can be used to relieve the symptoms associated with the flu and cold fever as well as the benefits of ginger to warm the body.

7. Detoxification

Anti-oxidant, anti-septic and diuretic effect of lemon grass herb making it important to include in the diet at detoxification. This process is helpful to cleanse and purify the liver, kidney, bladder, pancreas and increase blood circulation. Diuretic effect helps remove toxins effectively.

8. Lose Weight

Drinking lemongrass tea helps to liquefy the fat by way of detoxification. CHAPTER diuretic effect helps launch in high volume, effective and fast, resulting in weight loss.

9. Insomnia

Insomnia or sleeplessness can occur because of a chemical imbalance in the body or nervous disorders. Refining activities and the calming effect of lemongrass help improve the process and quality of sleep.

10. Reduce Cholesterol

Lemongrass leaf has anti-cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis, both of which help reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestine, as well as the oxidation of LDL (bad) cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing one of the initial process in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

11. High Blood Pressure

High potassium content encourages diuresis, thus helping to reduce and regulate blood pressure. Regularly drinking lemongrass tea is highly recommended.

12. Gastritis or Heartburn

One cup of warm lemon grass tea can recover heartburn / gastritis / gastrointestinal disorders due to excessive acid substances. Lemongrass tea drinking is one of the therapies to reduce the recurrence of stomach heartburn or gastritis.

13. Nervous System

The content of magnesium, phosphorus and folate are essential nutrients required for the development and function of the nervous system. They help improve concentration, memory and the brain's ability to process information.

14. Measures Purification

Perhaps the most distinctive properties of lemongrass leaves are purifying effect on the whole body, as it helps eliminate toxins from the body by cleansing the colon.

15. Digestive Health

Benefits of lemon grass leaves is the most famous for digestive health, he set bowel function and motility with anti-microbial properties he owned. These substances help to kill the bad bacteria and parasites, and restore the good bacteria in the gut, thus helping to increase digestive problems such as indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, intestinal bloating, flatulence, stomach cramps, vomiting and cramps.

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