Medicplants-Reed is also called Imperata cylindrica, cyrillo or Lagurus Cylindricus arundinacea L. belongs to the plant family plant Gramineae or Poaceae. This plant is known by the name ilalalang or kambengan.
The chemistry of this plant is rich with various chemical ingredients are already in the know are Mannitol, Glucose, Malic Acid, Citric Acid, Anemonim.This plant is antipyretic (Lower heat). In Chinese pharmacology of this plant has a sweet taste and cool so it is beneficial at all for that to thirst.
Diseases can be cured Imperata
Vomiting bloodNosebleedBloody AirkemihGonorrheaAcute Renal InflammationAcute Infectious Hepatitis


Making way for treatment
Vomiting blood
Take a fresh root Imperata 30-60 grams rinse thoroughly and proceed with the cut-up and then take three cups of water and boil and wait until the remaining one cup of water then chill and drink.
Take root Imperata is still fresh and then wash and squeeze until puree then in 100cc collected in drinking water and 30 grams of Imperata or rinse thoroughly with water and boiled three cups wait until the water shrinks to one cup and then drink.
Bloody Airkemih
Boil 100 grams of fresh root Imperata with 2,000 cc wait until the water remaining 1.000cc then drink regularly.
Take 300 grams of fresh root Imperata then wash thoroughly and cut into pieces and boil in water of 2,000 cc wait until the water remaining 1,200 cc add rock sugar. and make it look like a tea three times a day.

Acute Renal Inflammation
Take fresh root Imperata 60-120 gr pieces and boiled with water 3 cups of water and wait until the remaining 1 cup of drinking 2 to 3 times a day on a regular basis.
Acute Infectious Hepatitis
Take the dried roots of Imperata as much as 60 grams and then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. Drinking regularly 2 times a day.
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