Medicplants-Nasal polyps is a disruption of the growth of several layers of mucous membranes in the nose that are benign. Although benign, but nasal polyps can lead to the emergence of various diseases such as asthma, allergic rinnitis, chronic sinusitis, and cystic fibrosis. To overcome this, there are some herbal medicine prescription nasal polyps that you can exploit. The first recipe is to set some 500gram namely ginger and white and also 15 grams of bitter. How to cultivate it, wash it first all ingredients until completely clean. Afterwards, boil the ingredients with water as much as 700cc. Keep boiled until the water left only about 300cc. Strain and cool the boiling water. For maximum results, drink recipe every two times a day.

 Prescription Drugs Herbal Nasal Polyps
As for herbal medicine prescription nasal polyps second is to set some like seven betel leaves, a handful of pine needles, and one finger turmeric. How to process the clean up first of all the material. After that turmeric and grated peel until completely smooth. The next step is to boil the grater results in 10 glasses of water that has been mixed with betel leaves and pine needles. Let up to approximately the remaining 8 cups. After that, the cooking water is poured into the pan. Put your head over the pot and inhale the steam generated by this second recipe. If you routinely perform this treatment, two times a day, then you have experienced nasal polyps will disappear by itself.

While herbal medicine prescription nasal polyps third is to set some materials such as lime five, one segment ginger, twenty grains of cloves, betel leaves ten, and six leaves of lemongrass. The first step is to squeeze lemon juice in a container. The next is to mix the water with ginger juice that has been smoothed. Take all of the clove and Mix with all the betel leaf and lemongrass leaves. Boil all ingredients in a saucepan. The results of such material decoction taken regularly subs a month.

Read more on site  http://medicpl.blogspot.com/2016/11/three-prescription-drugs-herbal-nasal.html

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